Bikini body

Breaking Muscle - The best tool for your health (that is often overlooked)

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For optimal health we need to go to a deeper level that encompasses so much more than just counting calories or macros. Have a peek of my latest article to read more our best tool for overall health and why it is the most overlooked.

We have become so disconnected because of apps and calorie counters. What about how we feel? Doesn’t that count for something? What many of us don’t realize is that listening to our bodies is the best tool of all to tell us if we are doing or eating something that agrees with us or not. Our bodies will tell us if we are overtrained, because if we are tuned in, there is a difference to deep fatigue or just laziness. Our bodies will tell us if that food we eat works for us or not, regardless of the macro content according to the apps. Are we bloated, lethargic or energetic and full of zeal? Start by tuning in and listening. I mean, really listening, there are sooooo many signs!! And then make the changes if something doesn’t feel right. Your body is the best tool for your health and wellness, it’s time to start listening and to trust it.

I don’t use apps or measure my food.  I know what is what. I have applied this knowledge and figured out what works best for me in order to thrive, because I have listened to my body.

I don’t use apps or measure my food. I know what is what. I have applied this knowledge and figured out what works best for me in order to thrive, because I have listened to my body.

Tune in. Eat right, train right for your body

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People who don’t know me assume that I train for endless hours a day. In truth I am a single mum who spends most of her time juggle kids, teaching classes and sitting in front of a computer writing. I write for health and fitness magazines and I write personalized plans for people who want to look, feel and perform better. So I don’t workout all day, every day. I can’t. Over the years I have figure out what works for my body, but as a trainer and a coach i have learned a lot about what works for women bodies too.

The key to staying in shape is to train right and eat right. But not only that, its about managing stress and sleeping right too. Optimal health is like baking a cake. You need to factor in everything (all the ingredients) to get the right recipe to make the perfect cake. If one of the ingredients is not right, such as not enough sleep, or not the right amount of food at the right time, then the cake won't turn out right.

The first step is to start listening to your body, so ditch those calorie counters and start actually tuning in to your body. The body is the most amazing machine that is constantly telling you want it need for optimal health. If you are hungry then eat. Stop eating when you are feeling full, no matter how much food is left on your plate. If you are tired, rest. Take note of the difference between true fatigue and laziness. Take note of how you feel after eating certain foods? Do you feel bloated and lethargic? Or do you feel energized and full of vitality?

Tuning in is the 1st step but if anyone would like a little extra guidance feel free to check out my personal plans here or email me at and I can email you the plan outlines.