
The Great Outdoors.

Sophia McDermott Drysdale FIT (20)).jpg

While the weather is totally awesome right now get outside as much as you can. Enjoy the fresh air and get some sunlight. I recommend outdoor workouts and walks as much for your mind as well as your body. 30 minutes of natural sunlight every day gives you your daily dose of Vitamin D. Getting outside is also a great way to break up the monotony of sitting in a office all day. Get out for a walk, do some stretches, breath. You’ll feel, refreshed with more vitality.

Get creative with workouts outdoors too. There are so many things you can do with just your body weight such as burpees, push ups, ab work. Find a park bench and do step ups, dips and lunges. Grab a jump rope, do some sprints. The options are endless. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Time out.

Taking time out throughout the day will make you overall much more productive.

Taking time out throughout the day will make you overall much more productive.

It is really important to seek balance in your life. I have been stuck on the computer all day so I decided to spend my lunch breakout outside and connect with nature and do some stretching.  If you are working a lot, taking time out a couple times a day just to get a quick breather and to reset your mind will make you so much more productive overall. There is nothing worse than the feeling of being brain deal all day when you have deadlines looming. 

Sometimes we have to stop and smell the roses.