
Everything you need to know about what is going inside your body when you are pregnant

I trained throughout both my pregnancies which meant that I could get my pre baby body  back sooner. Here I am at the beach with my second baby who was about 7 months old.

I trained throughout both my pregnancies which meant that I could get my pre baby body  back sooner. Here I am at the beach with my second baby who was about 7 months old.

Many of us ladies will be a mum at some stage in our lives. But many of us are athletes too and if not we enjoy working out. Too often health professionals tell us that we can't exercise when pregnant since there are too many risks. I think today the problem is that pregnancy is treated like an  illness and not like just another phase in a woman's life. 

My article discusses all the changes that occur during pregnancy, everything from how the hormones affect us, to the structural changes and the development of the baby. Knowledge is the key and if we equip ourselves with knowledge then we can modify our training programs accordingly to still have an effect yet safe workout or training session. There is no need to stop. Our lives don't have to be on hold just because we are creating another inside us!

Breaking Muscle article: Restoring strength for your sport after a baby

"During pregnancy, the shift in weight distribution and centre of gravity causes pressure to mount on the mother's lower back, hips, and pelvis. This tightens the hip flexors and weakens the gluteals and hamstrings considerably. The imbalance can cause lower back pressure and a lot of pain. The abdominal wall may also separate, creating what is called diastasis recti, and the hormone relaxin is released which loosens all the ligaments in the pelvis. To top it all off, the ligaments of the pelvis, adductors and glutes are all weakened further during the birthing process. It’s a hell of a lot to deal with, and the overall result can be painful – many women have trouble climbing stairs and walking at a brisk pace.

But all is far from lost. I am back to doing the sports I love at a high competitive level, and I want you to get back to what you enjoy, at the level that you desire. The journey back to your former athleticism starts here..."

Read on about my article I wrote for Breaking Muscle Magazine about  getting your core and hips strong again after having a baby. There are step by step videos. Enjoy.

Here is an exercise from the article. Put a tennis ball in between your legs and move your knees from side to  side.

Here is an exercise from the article. Put a tennis ball in between your legs and move your knees from side to  side.