burn fat

Egg-Cellent Eggs

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Eggs, which have been a usual part of many people’s breakfast, definitely have a place on SophiaFIT’s Superfoods list. They are loaded with nutrients and as they can take up to four hours to digest, this protein can actually help you lose weight!!

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet, containing a little bit of almost every nutrient our bodies require! They truly are the perfect food to be added into our diet!

One Eggs contains the following:
* Vitamin A
* Folate
* Vitamin B5
* Vitamin B12
* Vitamin B2
* Phosphorus
* Selenium

Eggs also contain decent amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium and Zinc!

Along with containing all of the above, they are a great source of inexpensive, high quality protein with more than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white!


Instead of loading you up with a plethora of facts about Eggs, I thought I’d just choose one!

Did you know that eating eggs can help you lose weight? I know this may come as a surprise to those who thought eggs were fattening or unhealthy, but a study carried out by the Rochester Center for Obesity Research found that eating eggs for breakfast helps limit your calorie intake all day, by more than 400 calories. That means you could lose three pounds or more per month.

The high level of protein in which eggs contain help keep you fuller for longer therefore decreasing the chances of you reaching for that mid-morning snack or over eating at lunch!

Don’t have time in the morning to cook your eggs?? Cook them the night before or meal prep on Sunday! Boiled eggs last for safely up to a week in the refrigerator after they were cooked or prep your omelette the night before whilst cooking your dinner!

It doesn’t stop there!! The use of eggs extends past the kitchen! Egg whites can be used for face masks to help tighten your pores and cure acne problems. For a quick and easy Hydrating Egg Facemasks all you need to do is combine 1 egg white , ¼ ripe avocado and 1 teaspoon yogurt!

Hopefully this weeks Superfood Series Blog has helped provide you some insight into how amazing eggs are! If you are stuck for ideas on how to incorporate eggs into your diet, both my Nutrition E Book & 7 Day Meal Plan Ebook contain plenty of recipes showing the versatility of eggs! Alternatively send me an email at sophia@sophiafit.com as we can work on meal plan together!

Pre & Post Workout Meals!

Fuelling your body pre and post workout is more important than any other meal throughout your day. Many people don’t realise the role that pre and post workout meals play in the effectiveness of your workout! To break it down a little… the food you consume before your workout will affect your energy levels and your performance output throughout your workout whereas what you eat after your workout is crucial for optimizing the recovery process and replenishing your body!


Now I’m not recommending you go eat a large meal before working out to ensure you have maximum energy for your workout, all you need is a quick snack! Ideally you should try to consume your snack 30-60minutes  before but this can depend on how your body tolerates food! So experiment and see what time frame best suits your body!

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Each of the snack ideas below contain some protein as well as carbs. Carbs are the fuel they are NOT the enemy!! Protein helps rebuild and repair, but also "primes the pump" to make the right amino acids available for your muscles.

Pre Workout Snack Ideas:

  • A teaspoon of peanut butter and banana
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Oatmeal with coconut/almond milk and fruit
  • Apple and peanut or almond butter
  • Handful of nuts and a piece of fruit



Your Post workout meal plays a vital role in refuelling your body with the nutrients it will need to repair, replenish, recover and adapt. A post workout meal should accomplish the following:

  • Replenish muscle glycogen that was depleted during your workout.
  • Reduce muscle protein breakdown caused by exercise
  • Reduce muscle soreness and fatigue
  • Greatly enhance overall recovery
  • Reduce cortisol levels
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Post workout meal ideas include:

  • Protein shake with a piece of fruit
  • Turkey on a ancient grain (wheat free) wrap with veggies
  • Yogurt berries parfait
  • 1 slice of ancient grain toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and ½ sliced banana
  • 1 to 2 eggs with a slice of ancient grain (wheat free) toast
  • 1 rice cake with ricotta cheese and berries

The above offer mainly carbs, some protein and are convenient — with the first two liquid options also helping to rehydrate the body.

If you need any more ideas on pre & post workout snacks, check out My Nutrition eBook available here or My 7 Day Meal Plan here

Why aren't I losing weight?

Have you been trying to lose weight and only seeing minimal maybe even no changes? There are a few simple things that you maybe doing wrong! All it takes is a few simple adjustments to your diet, exercise regime and you will be seeing results again!

Skipping Breakfast

It may seem like a great idea to save calories but skipping breakfast almost guarantees that it will leave you consuming unnecessary amounts of calories later in the day to make up for it which can actually have an negative effect on your metabolism. Breakfast doesn’t need to be complex, it can be as simple as making a quick protein smoothie with banana and berries or scrambled eggs! All you need is a simple healthy calorie hit to jump-start your metabolism.

You are slogging out hours on the treadmill!

Increased muscle = increased fat burning! Swap the hour you spend pounding the pavement with a 30 minute weight training session. Not only does lifting weights prevent injury by strengthening the joints but it also builds lean muscle which leads to an increase metabolic rate meaning you will keep burning calories long after you have left the gym!

Not eating carbs!


Eliminating carbs can actually do the opposite! It can put your body into a state of ketosis which I think is not so good for women. Plus if you are a performance athlete you will find that your energy levels are lower and you can’t get through your training sessions well! Your body DOES need carbohydrates in order to fuel it throughout the day and to help metabolise fat. When talking about carbs, the type of carbs are very important. Starchy carbs such as pasta and potatoes will lead to weight gain but choosing healthier carbohydrates that are unrefined and unprocessed such as brown rice or quinoa or root veggies are a much healthier option!
Key point: Eat them in moderation and eat them around your workouts!

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No drinking enough water!

A glass a day won’t suffice but ensuring your drink 2 -3 litres per day, according to recent studies, can aid with weight loss. Filling up on water before a meal can help ensure you don’t over eat therefore helping with portion control! Also eating foods that contain a lot of water such as fruits and veggies, will help fill you up faster! And what does that mean? You eat less! If you struggle with your daily water intake, I suggest adding a few slices of lemon or some fresh berries to add a little “zing” to your water!  

You don’t leave yourself time to have fun!

I know what you may be thinking, what does fun have to do with why you aren’t losing weight! Well stress is shown to cause weight gain as it triggers the body to eat more of especially the foods high in sugar and fat! Make sure you allow yourself at least 15 minutes everyday to relax and unwind.  Meditation is a really great stress relief since it calms your nervous system. If you have more time take the opportunity to catch up with friends, go on a hike, a yoga class or a relaxing walk in nature.

All you need to know about Protein Powder!

Keeping in theme with last weeks blog post on Protein! I thought I’d provide you guys with a little insight into the world of protein powders!

What are Protein Powders?
Protein powders are dietary supplements that contain a high percentage of protein. This protein is derived from a variety of different food sources, including:

  • Rice
  • Egg
  • Milk
  • Pea
  • Hemp

Along with the raw form of protein, many company fortify their products with vitamins, minerals, greens, additional fats, grains, fibre and/or thickeners.  So although protein powders come directly from whole food sources, they’re not whole foods themselves.

For Vegetarians and vegans, rice and pea isolate proteins are powerful on their own. But mixed together, they're the first vegetarian protein that can compete with animal-derived proteins and meet the demands of hard-training athletes!

Next question! Why would I want to use a protein powder?
Regardless of your individual goals, its important that you get enough protein in your diet and protein powders can be very helpful if you aren’t getting enough from whole food!

As the protein market has exploded with an array of brands, values and ingredients! Here is a list outlining the strengths and weakness.

  • Rice protein – Hypo-allergenic, gluten-free, neutral taste, economical. 100% plant-based. May be derived from genetically modified rice.
  • Egg protein – Fat-free, concentrated amounts of essential amino acids. May upset stomach.
  • Milk protein (includes whey, casein, calcium caseinate, and milk protein blends) – May enhance immunity, high in BCAAs, contains lactose, highly studied. May cause digestive upset or other symptoms in people sensitive to whey, casein, and/or lactose.
  • Pea protein – No saturated fat or cholesterol, highly digestible, hypo-allergenic, economical. Rich in lysine, arginine and glutamine. 100% plant-based.
  • Hemp protein – Provides omega-3 fats, most forms provide fibre, free of trypsin inhibitors, can get in raw form, high in arginine and histidine. 100% plant-based.

Just remember you get what you pay for so by choosing the “cheap” protein powder you most likely buying into a product with higher amounts of lactose, fat, filllers etc..

Ps. Pre Order of My Spring into Summer 7 Day Meal Plan is available now! Click here to secure your copy!



Start your day with protein!

Are you finding that you are eating breakfast, ensuring you have balanced meals and snacks throughout the day but you are still hit with mid-afternoon munchies and late night cravings??

Well, I can give you some insight into why this happens! Protein rich foods take longer to leave the stomach, therefore keeping you fuller for longer! Protein also keeps your blood sugar level steady, which prevents the sudden spikes in hunger that occur after dramatic drops in blood sugar. And since the body requires more energy to digest the nutrient compared to fats or carbohydrates you will burn more calories! Yes eating protein with each meal may help you stay full protein it is particularly important at breakfast!

Yes making protein the focus of your morning meal can take more time than slathering nut butter on toast or microwaving oatmeal but trust me it it is worth the effort! Planning is key to ensure that lack of time doesn’t become the reason behind you falling back into old patterns. You can easily overcome this by making up extra beans, vegetables or hard boiled eggs early in the week so that you have foods ready to go when you are pressed for time.


A few ways to help you transition to a high protein breakfast include…

  • Keep the smoothie, but decrease the fruit and any sweeteners. Add nut butter, low-fat cottage cheese or almond meal to increase the protein.

  • Eat more eggs. Why not bulk up the protein and the serving size by adding in some egg whites.

  • Add beans. Whether it be black, pinto or chickpeas – beans add both lean protein and fiber. Add vegetables. Replace your grain-based complex carbs like toast and bagels with sautéed spinach, roasted cauliflower or stir-fried peppers and onions. Try adding a handful of spinach or other leafy greens to your morning smoothie!

  • Eat dinner for breakfast. Lean meats like fish or chicken are just as good when eaten in the morning. Serve them up in an omelet or create a brekky salad!


Here are a few protein packed breakfast ideas to help you kick start your day right!


Berry Quinoa Parfait

1/3 cup of quinoa
¾ cup of plain low fat greek yogurt
¼ cup of blueberries ( or raspberries/blackberries/strawberries)
Handful of walnuts
Teaspoon of cinnamon
Teaspoon of pure vanilla exact

Combine 1/3 cup cooked quinoa, 3/4 cup plain low-fat Greek yogurt, pure vanilla extract and teaspoon of cinnamon. Using 1/4 cup blueberries and walnuts, create layers of the quinoa/yogurt mixture, blueberries and nuts in a glass.



Mushroom & Tomato Omelette

2 Eggs
½ cup of sliced mushrooms
½ tomato, chopped
½ cup of spinach

Combine eggs and beat lightly. Using a cooking spray, cook eggs in non-stick pan. Add mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach in the center of omelet. Cook until eggs are set and fold over.

Paleo Brekky Bowl

2 fresh eggs
2 ounces wild smoked salmon (roughly 2 thin slices)
1/2 cup rocket
1/4 avocado, diced
Squeeze of fresh lemon
Pinch of freshly ground pepper

Heat a teaspoon of coconut oil over medium heat and swirl around in a nonstick pan. Slowly put 2 (unscrambled) eggs into the pan and cook until done, about 6 minutes. While your eggs are cooking, assemble your arugula, avocado, and smoked salmon in a shallow bowl. Squeeze lemon juice over everything, and sprinkle with pepper. Once your eggs are fully cooked, slide them into your bowl, and Enjoy!

Carbs, Protein and Fats = ESSENTIAL

Life is all about Balance!

Let’s talk about Protein, carbs and Fats!



Protein is essential for the growth of muscle, hair, skin and bones. Whilst carbs provide your body with energy to fuel your brain and muscles. Fat is also incredibly important for insulation, brain health and the production of hormones. When protein, carbohydrates and fats work together they keep your body healthy and functioning. The carbs you eat give you energy while the protein builds muscles. Fats and proteins are essential in order to stabilize the blood sugar levels in your body and are best eaten together! To put it simply without carbs your body would not have the energy  it needs to workout and train  hard and without protein and fats you would not be able to build muscle or grow skin and hair and regulate your hormones and mood as effectvely. Demonstrating that these elements are equally essential for your diet!

This doesn’t mean you can go out and order a crispy chicken burger to ensure you include this essential relationship is in your diet. Instead you need to choose with care and be smart about it! The best protein choices are lean meats, eggs and tofu. The best carbs are whole grains, fruits and vegetables which offer more health benefits that refined grains! The best fats are monounsaturated olive oil and avocado as well as almond butter!!! Coconut oil has been shown to have a myriad of other health benefits also.

Some examples of nutritious protein and carb combinations that you can include in your daily diet include brown rice and broccoli with legumes, tofu or grilled chicken, grilled salmon with steamed asparagus and quinoa, low-fat cottage cheese with fruit or oatmeal and nuts! These food combos will take longer for your body to absorb therefore there will be a slower release into your body and a steadier energy source to keep you going!

Source: Muscle & Fit

Source: Muscle & Fit