
working out and eating right for muscles

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Way back when I had a tan. The tan comes and goes. But one things for sure, I’ve always had muscles.

Adding some lean tissue on your body requires 3 things: proper nutrition, the right type of training (including the movement patters, intensity, reprange and rest) and finally sleep.

For anyone who would like some more info on my personalized plans and to learn more about the fine details of diet and working out for weight loss and toned muscles feel free to email me at

My plans can be viewed here also:

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My Toning & Sculpting class at UFC gym, 11am Saturdays!

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My Toning & Sculpting classes at the UFC Gym my focuses is to get the heart rate up and burn those calories for fat loss and then focus on the parts that us ladies need to work on the most, such as the butt, tummy and thighs. In this class we work hard to get that nice toned, sculpted shape. If you are in Vegas, come join the classes. All you need is yourself, a towel and water!

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Hydration Station

Did you know that by weight, adult bodies are made up of between 50-65% water with the brain and heart comprised of approximately 73% water, and the lungs 83% water. 64% of the skin is water, muscles and kidneys are at roughly 79% and surprisingly even our adult bones are around 31%!! Need I say more?


Hydration is probably the most underestimated nutrient when it comes to weight loss! Drinking plenty of water really is one of the easiest steps you can take to set yourself up for a healthier body and mind!!

The thing about hydration is, you don’t need to wait until you are thirsty! You should be aiming to drink water consistently throughout the day. The amount you should consume depends on a number of factors, such as your body type, your activity levels and the climate but as a general rule I recommend drinking between 2 - 4 litres a day! Yes I know that sounds like a lot but trust me it is doable! Ensure you always carry a water bottle with you and if you find water boring, add some flavour by adding lemon or berries to your water! And trust me in now time you will be easily smashing 3 litres a day!

The benefits you will reap from increasing your daily intake of water will surprise you!

Improves Digestive Function
Water plays a big role in your body’s removal of waste through the digestive tract and your digestive tract needs water to function properly! Therefore, if your body isn’t receive a sufficient amount of water it can lead to chronic constipation!

Helps with Mid-Day Fatigue
Fatigue and tiredness is a common effect from dehydration and to make things worse most people reach for a caffeinated drink such as coffee which yes will keep you awake but as it’s a mild diuretic this will remove water from your body making the situation worse!

Mood Enhancer
Surprising but very true! Dehydration affects your overall mood as when your body is thirty it is in a state of shortage and won’t run effectively therefore making you crankier and moodier! Hydration = positive vibes!

I could go on for days about all the benefits but hopefully the ones above give you a little insight into how amazing water really is! If you are looking for more tips and information about water, click here to purchase a copy of My Nutrition Ebook where I give you a detailed rundown on everything water related!


Carbs, Protein and Fats = ESSENTIAL

Life is all about Balance!

Let’s talk about Protein, carbs and Fats!



Protein is essential for the growth of muscle, hair, skin and bones. Whilst carbs provide your body with energy to fuel your brain and muscles. Fat is also incredibly important for insulation, brain health and the production of hormones. When protein, carbohydrates and fats work together they keep your body healthy and functioning. The carbs you eat give you energy while the protein builds muscles. Fats and proteins are essential in order to stabilize the blood sugar levels in your body and are best eaten together! To put it simply without carbs your body would not have the energy  it needs to workout and train  hard and without protein and fats you would not be able to build muscle or grow skin and hair and regulate your hormones and mood as effectvely. Demonstrating that these elements are equally essential for your diet!

This doesn’t mean you can go out and order a crispy chicken burger to ensure you include this essential relationship is in your diet. Instead you need to choose with care and be smart about it! The best protein choices are lean meats, eggs and tofu. The best carbs are whole grains, fruits and vegetables which offer more health benefits that refined grains! The best fats are monounsaturated olive oil and avocado as well as almond butter!!! Coconut oil has been shown to have a myriad of other health benefits also.

Some examples of nutritious protein and carb combinations that you can include in your daily diet include brown rice and broccoli with legumes, tofu or grilled chicken, grilled salmon with steamed asparagus and quinoa, low-fat cottage cheese with fruit or oatmeal and nuts! These food combos will take longer for your body to absorb therefore there will be a slower release into your body and a steadier energy source to keep you going!

Source: Muscle & Fit

Source: Muscle & Fit



Resistance Training

Tell me this. Why is it that the one type of training that is proven to considerable burn more calories, tone and strengthen your body and make you look hot?!

The fear of “bulking up” has been keeping many women out of the weights room! When in actual fact, us girls should be embracing dumbbells and body weight training.

Resistance Training is another name for exercising your muscles using an opposing force i.e. dumb bells or resistance bands. The benefits that coincide with resistance training will surprise you! Lifting weights improve your bone density, joint mobility and body composition, not to mention that daily tasks such as lugging groceries, carrying kids around and climbing stairs become easier! And the benefits don’t end there!! Physical strength creates and enhances mental strength meaning that each time you finish a weight training session you are going to feel like you could take on the world!!

To help kick start your love of resistance training, here is quick workout to work that BOOTY!


1 Minute Kneeling Leg Lifts (right)
30 Seconds Kneeling Leg Lift Pulses (right)
1 Minute Kneeling Leg Lifts (left)
30 Seconds Kneeling Leg Lift Pulses (left)
1 Minute Squats
30 Seconds Static Squat Hold
30 Seconds Squat Jumps

Repeat 3 times and feel that BURRRNNN!

Let’s work together to quash this stigma about weight training. Feminine strength is all about being strong on the inside as well as being strong on the outside. Trainers and professionals everywhere should be spreading the news about the myriad of benefits that resistance training has to offer so that all women are keeping healthy, happy, safe and strong.