soluble fiber

Hearty Oats

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Protein-packed, full of fiber and low on fat, oats are designed to boost your energy levels and help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Oats contain a wide range of nutrients including vitamin E, essential fatty acids and the list goes on!! They are not only good for the stomach but are interestingly super filling, satisfying and very versatile! Due to their versatility they are super easy to add into your diet whether it be your morning oats, your afternoon snack or even dinner!

One benefit of Oats that may actually surprise you is that oats May Help You Lose Weight!! By delaying the time it takes your stomach to empty of food, the beta-glucan in oats may increase your feeling of fullness. Beta-glucan can also promote the release of peptide YY, a hormone produced in the gut in response to eating. This hormone has been shown to lead to reduced calorie intake and may decrease your risk of obesity! And for those asking what is Beta-glucan.. Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fiber!

Now we all now the everyday uses for oats so I thought I’d share with you a two recipes that include oats that aren’t muesli or porridge!

Oat Burgers (Makes 10)

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  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Aminos Sauce or Tamari
  • 1 tablespoon onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic mince
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian season
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 4 cups oats
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup black beans
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds


1. Preheat oven 400 degrees. Bring water to boil in a saucepan.
2. Add Coconut aminos or Tamari, onion , garlic, Italian seasoning and cayenne pepper.
3. Stir in oats, cooked rice, walnuts, black beans, and flax seeds.
4. Reduce heat and keep on stirring until liquid is absorbed, about 2 minutes.
5. Remove from heat and allow to cool enough to handle.
6. Using a large canning jar lid including the rim, form patties placing them on a lightly oiled baking paper.
7. Bake for 30 minutes, turning halfway. You may also cook in a lightly oiled pan on both sides. Top with your favourite toppings!

Banana & Zucchini Oat Muffins
Perfect afternoon snack or breakfast on-the-go.

(MAKES 16)

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  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed + 3 tbsp water (alternatively, you can use 1 egg)
  • ¼ cup almond butter (or peanut butter)
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 3 small-medium over-ripe bananas
  • 2 small zucchinis (2 cups grated, don't squeeze water out)
  • ½ cup almond milk (any milk will work)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 cups oats (alternatively can use gluten-free)
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • Optional add-ins: ¼ cup of walnuts


1. Preheat oven to 375F. Spray a muffin tin with coconut oil. 
2. Place flax and water in small bowl. Stir and set aside to “gel." 
3. Place bananas in a large bowl and mash with a fork. Add grated zucchini, almond milk, vanilla extract, almond butter, maple syrup, and flax mixture and combine.
4. Add oats, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, and add-in's of choice. Stir until just combined.
5. Spoon mixture into muffin cups, filling to the top.
6. Bake for 23-28 minutes, or until a fork comes out clean. Store cooled muffins in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. These freeze well, too!

Lets talk about FIBER..

As people are becoming more and more fixated on finding the perfect diet to help with lose fat or gain muscle people are overlooking the hire component of fat lose, FIBER!

Fiber, often referred to as roughage or bulk, is a component indigestible part of the plant based foods that pushes through our digestive system, absorbing water along the way and easing bowel movements.

There are three different types of fibre which all have different functions and health benefits.


 Soluble fiber helps to slow the emptying process in our stomachs, which helps us feel fuller for longer! Foods rich in this type of fiber include oatmeal, nuts, beans, apples, and blueberries





Insoluble fiber absorbs water to help soften the contents of our bowels and supports regular bowel movements. This is found in the seeds and skins of fruit (so always eat your peels) as well as whole-wheat bread and brown rice.




 Resistant starch is not digested in the small intestine and instead proceeds to the largeintestine where it assists the production of good bacteria and improves bowel health! Foods rich in this type include bananas, potatoes and cashews.




 Fiber is hugely important for gut health and the absorption of nutrients, therefore aiding digestion as it bulks up food in the digestive tract which makes your feel fuller for longer!

The minimum fibre intake should be no less that 20g for females and 25g for males but no more the 40g for females and 50-60g for males. But with most things too much of anything can be bad for you! If you fibre intake is too high is can reflect badly on you gut health and nutrient absorption. You need to focus on finding that SWEET SPOT!



1.     Eat Breakfast. Breakfast is a great place to start adding fibre.

2.     Add seeds. All kinds of seeds are high in fibre so aim to add 2 tablespoons of seeds into your diet each day!

3.     Eat more beans!! Lentils and beans are very high in fibre, especially soluble fibre. Try to have beans at least 3 or 4 times a week.

4.     Add Vegetables. As a good rule of thumb, salad or vegetables should make up 1/3 of your lunch and 1/3 of your dinner. Short on time? Frozen veggies are just as good!

5.     Eat Fruit. A piece of fruits will give you over 2g of fiber!! So aim to have 2-3 pieces of fruit everyday! Try slicing banana for brekky, adding apple to your salad and enjoying an orange a snack.

6.     Snack on nuts and dried fruit. Snacks like mixed nuts and raisins are high in fiber and make a great alternative to crisp and sugary snacks! All you need is a handful to help boost your intake

7.     Drink water.

** Remember it is normal to feel some bloating and to pass a little more wind when you first start to add in more fibre. This will settle down in a week or two.