
Quick tips to keep your immune system strong!

Sophia McDermott Drysdale - Immunity Boosting Tips

Now more than ever we need to keep our immune systems strong. What people don’t realise that bugs such as microbes, viruses and bacteria are around us constantly. In fact, they are on every inch of our skin.  There are good bugs and bad bugs. The good bugs are the ones in our gut which keep our immune systems strong because they are the ones that fight off the bad bugs. 

What we want to do is keep our immune system strong so that if we ever encounter the virus or other bad bugs, our immune system is better prepared to fight them off. 

Below are my tips and methods that BOOST your immune system!

The food we eat is very important for immune health since our immune system starts in the gut. 

Eat loads of fruit and veggies, particularly green lady veggies that are packed with antioxidants.  Eat good quality proteins from sources where the animals are free to roam, such as eggs from pasture-raised chickens, wild-caught salmon and grass-fed meats. 

Drink loads of fresh filtered water. Personally I don’t agree with bottled water because no one knows how long the water has been sitting around in the plastic bottles and if it’s been exposed to sunlight where the BPA can leak into the water. Purchase a good filter to install at your house and aim to drink up to a gallon a day. 

Sleep is where our bodies recharge and heal. This where your body releases most of the human Growth Hormone for healing and repair. If you skimp on sleep then your entire system suffers because it hasn't been recharged. Aim to get a good 8 hours sleep a night to keep your immune system strong. 

Here are some supplements that are essential for overall health and work to boost your immune system too:

SophiaFIT Immunity Boosting Tops

Multivitamins are packed with all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs for optimal function. The brand I recommend is juice plus because they are natural rather than synthetic so your body can readily absorb the nutrients.  Check out their products here.

 Probiotics: foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables. Greek yoghurts with no added sugar is packed with probiotics. The bacteria from these fermented foods adds good bacteria to the gut. Supplementing with probiotics such as acidophilus and Bifidus is an option too. 

Fish oils reduce inflammation in the body which will help to reduce inflammation in the gut. If the gut is inflamed the internal flora is affected which can reduce the number of good bacteria and affect or immune-supporting bugs. 

Stress is a major factor in health. More and more studies are showing that stress is a factor in a myriad of health issues but also your state of mind affects your health. In a study performed by Richard J Davidson PhD, Author on The Emotional Life of Your Brain, he shares results for a test he performed whereby groups received the flu shot and those who reported they were happy and who performed specific stress-reducing practices such as focused meditation produced higher antibodies from the flu shot than those who did not practice stress-reducing activities. This indicated that the stress-reducing group had stronger immune systems responded more effectively to the flu shot.

Reduce stress by meditating daily. Results have shown that by spending as little as 10 mins a day to stop, breath and clear your mind can have powerful effects on your state of mind, your health and your immune system. 

My Top Tips to help you stick to your workouts!

It's easy to talk yourself out of working out! Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find - “I’m too tired” or "I’m busy," or "The weather is bad." Here are my top tips for staying in the game!

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  1. On Sunday nights plan your week of workouts! Treat them like an event so make time for them in your daily schedule! Write them down in your diary and put reminders on your phone!

  2. If you workout in the morning, layout your training clothes and shoes before you go to bed so they are ready for when you jump out of bed

  3. If you don’t train before work Have training clothes and shoes in your car so you can stop by the gym on the way home from work

  4. Organise a active date/catch up during the week with friends or family. Other people will keep you accountable!

  5. Have a collection of workouts you can do in your living room for when the weather is miserable and you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home. My SophiaFIT Home Workouts are perfect for this!

  6. Set a goal! Write it down and stick it on the fridge or add it as a daily reminder on your phone. This will act as the driving force when you lack a bit of motivation!

If you are looking for the extra kick, send an email to or click here. I would love to work with you and help you achieve your health & fitness goals.



Blueberries, sweet morsels jam packed with vitamin C, K & B6, folate, potassium, fibre, manganese and antioxidants! Often labelled as a superfood, blueberries are low in calories and incredibly good for you plus super convenient snack for when you are on the go!

Instead of throwing loads of facts at you about Blueberries, I’ve picked my favourite and I think most beneficial facts about Blueberries!!

They are the King of Antioxidant Foods! 
The antioxidants in blueberries help to protect our bodies from damage by free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cellular structures and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer. They contain even more antioxidants than green tea, and that speaks volumes about their nutrient density!

Help with weight loss!
As blueberries are rich in fiber and low in calories, this makes them an ideal snack to have in-between meals for those who are seeking to lose weight. Blueberries are rich in soluble fiber, which are the type of fiber that dissolves in water. Soluble fibers slow down the process of digestion, which in turn keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time therefore keeping those hungry pains at bay! Combine 1 cup of natural yogurt with 1/2-1 cup of blueberries and you have the perfect 3pm snack!

Powerful Skin Food
Blueberries are good for your health both internally and externally. Being rich in Vitamin A and vitamin C, blueberries nourish your skin from the inside out! Eating blueberries helps heal sun damaged skin, reduce dark spots and reduces puffiness in the skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Moisturizing Blueberry Mask

1-1/4 cups fresh or thawed blueberries, pureed (blender or other method)
1/2 cup raw or organic milk (full fat)
1/2 cup oatmeal, processed to fine powder in a blender)
1/8 cup virgin olive oil
1/8 cup raw honey

Mix well, apply to face and leave on for 15 – 20 minutes.
Refrigerate and use the remainder for up to 1 week.

Do you want more helpful tips & hints delivered straight to your inbox? Subscribe to my newsletter by entering your details below PLUS you will receive a FREE Welcome Fitness Pack!  

Hearty Oats

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Protein-packed, full of fiber and low on fat, oats are designed to boost your energy levels and help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Oats contain a wide range of nutrients including vitamin E, essential fatty acids and the list goes on!! They are not only good for the stomach but are interestingly super filling, satisfying and very versatile! Due to their versatility they are super easy to add into your diet whether it be your morning oats, your afternoon snack or even dinner!

One benefit of Oats that may actually surprise you is that oats May Help You Lose Weight!! By delaying the time it takes your stomach to empty of food, the beta-glucan in oats may increase your feeling of fullness. Beta-glucan can also promote the release of peptide YY, a hormone produced in the gut in response to eating. This hormone has been shown to lead to reduced calorie intake and may decrease your risk of obesity! And for those asking what is Beta-glucan.. Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fiber!

Now we all now the everyday uses for oats so I thought I’d share with you a two recipes that include oats that aren’t muesli or porridge!

Oat Burgers (Makes 10)

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  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Aminos Sauce or Tamari
  • 1 tablespoon onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic mince
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian season
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 4 cups oats
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup black beans
  • 1 tablespoon flax seeds


1. Preheat oven 400 degrees. Bring water to boil in a saucepan.
2. Add Coconut aminos or Tamari, onion , garlic, Italian seasoning and cayenne pepper.
3. Stir in oats, cooked rice, walnuts, black beans, and flax seeds.
4. Reduce heat and keep on stirring until liquid is absorbed, about 2 minutes.
5. Remove from heat and allow to cool enough to handle.
6. Using a large canning jar lid including the rim, form patties placing them on a lightly oiled baking paper.
7. Bake for 30 minutes, turning halfway. You may also cook in a lightly oiled pan on both sides. Top with your favourite toppings!

Banana & Zucchini Oat Muffins
Perfect afternoon snack or breakfast on-the-go.

(MAKES 16)

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  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed + 3 tbsp water (alternatively, you can use 1 egg)
  • ¼ cup almond butter (or peanut butter)
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup
  • 3 small-medium over-ripe bananas
  • 2 small zucchinis (2 cups grated, don't squeeze water out)
  • ½ cup almond milk (any milk will work)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 cups oats (alternatively can use gluten-free)
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • Optional add-ins: ¼ cup of walnuts


1. Preheat oven to 375F. Spray a muffin tin with coconut oil. 
2. Place flax and water in small bowl. Stir and set aside to “gel." 
3. Place bananas in a large bowl and mash with a fork. Add grated zucchini, almond milk, vanilla extract, almond butter, maple syrup, and flax mixture and combine.
4. Add oats, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, and add-in's of choice. Stir until just combined.
5. Spoon mixture into muffin cups, filling to the top.
6. Bake for 23-28 minutes, or until a fork comes out clean. Store cooled muffins in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. These freeze well, too!

How to Avoid The Easter Binge!!

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With easter just around the corner it’s difficult to avoid the “holiday” binge: chocolate, hot cross buns….You eat until you feel sick, indulge in the sugar high until the guilt kicks in and you hate yourself for it days later? Does this sound familiar! Well this year is going to be different! Here are a few quick tips to help you avoid the guilt!

Prepare a healthy version of your favourite food – If you cannot resist enjoying a hot cross bun or two lathered in melted butter then why not opt for a “healthified” version without all the sugar! See recipe below!

Make a Plan of Attack – on the day before you get to an event or party, create a plan of attack! Decide how much of what you are going to have and make sure you stick to it!! Also by making the promise with yourself to not feel guilty as you will be get back to eating like normal the next day!

Hydrate!! – Water can help you curb cravings for bad foods. Often, when you feel like your body is longing for foods, all it really needs it water. Your hunger signals can easily get mixed up.

Limit the booze - we all know that feeling when we’ve had a few champagnes, our judgement becomes clouded and we find ourselves reaching for the second or third piece of cake! Pace yourself this Easter, and hydrate yourself with a fresh coconut water or sparkling water with lime!

Get Moving - Exercise is not about punishment or “making up for” what you’ve eaten. Do it because it feels good and keeps you in a happy, healthy routine.

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Healthy Hot Cross Buns
(Makes 10)

250g wholemeal flour (can substitute for almond meal)
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
½ cup raisins or golden sultanas
½ cup dried chopped apricots
½ cup milk of your choice
2 tbs p pure organic maple syrup or raw honey
2 ½ tbsp coconut oil
2 eggs (one for glaze)
1 tsp lemon juice
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ orange, zested
Optional Sweet tooth: Add 50 g 85% dark chocolate, chopped

For the cross:
1 egg white
1/4 cup desiccated coconut

1. Preheat the oven to 180C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
2. Place the flour, cinnamon, ground ginger, baking powder, baking soda, currants (or sultanas) and apricots in a large bowl and combine.
3. Place the milk, maple syrup or honey, coconut oil, lemon juice, vanilla extract, orange zest and one egg in another large bowl and whisk until well combined and a little ‘fluffy’.
4. Add the wet mix to the dry ingredients and fold through gently until just combined and a sticky dough forms.
5. Lightly dust a clean bench with flour, place dough on bench and using floured hands form the dough into round buns. Then place the buns on the prepared baking tray.
6. Whisk the second egg, and using a pastry brush, lightly brush the top of the buns.
7. For the cross: whisk egg whites and desiccated coconut. Drizzle over unbaked buns in a cross shape with two spoons or using a piping bag.
8. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. ENJOY!

Fail to Plan. Plan to Fail.


I’m sure you have all heard this saying many times but it couldn’t be more true! Planning will help you stay on track with your weight loss goals, improve your health and might even save you money. If you find yourself wasting time in the kitchen, spending hours at night cooking dinner or want to stay on track with your 2018 health goals then meal prep is for you! The benefits of meal prep definitely out way those few extra hours on Sunday you spend cooking such as it will save money and help with achieving your goals.

The key to getting ahead with meal prep is to have a few staple foods that you can batch-cook and use in a number of different ways. If you really don’t have the time, opt for tinned tuna, salads, raw veggies (think carrot sticks, cucumber, avocado, tomatoes, capsicums), fruit and nuts, which take no time to simply throw in a Tupperware.

Here are my top tips for Meal Prep!

  • Invest in some quality Tupperware and ziplock bags! They will become your new best friend!
  • Cook in large batches and store in the fridge or freezer to keep fresh for during the week plan ahead. Sit down and write a list of the meals you are going to cook and the ingredients you need
  • Make a shopping list and STICK TO IT!!
  • Set aside few hours a week to chop, cook and prepare your meals for the week!

Click here to download my Weekly Meal Planner!

My New Years Bundle contains both my ebooks that are filled with a range of delicious, easy & healthy meals that you can prep for the week! Subscribe to my mailing list to receive 50% OFF! Subscribe HERE!

Save the Date!!

The weekend of January 27th & 28th I am excited to announce that Josei Heishi are bringing me out to host a seminar at the World Class Martial Arts Centre in Philadelphia!

On Saturday the 27th of January I will be hosting a Seminar for both Females & Males from 1.30pm - 4.30pm. Then on Sunday 28th of January from 10am - 1pm I am hosting a Females Only Seminar!

Saturday's seminar is $60 and Sunday's is $50 but for all females who would like to attend BOTH seminars there is a discounted rate of $100! 

I am so excited for a great weekend and looking forward to meeting so many inspiring people! To register send an email to


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Lifestyle Camp February 2018, St Augustine!

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I have just launched My Lifestyle Camp for 2018.
I am already excited about this one since I know I will be getting away from the Winter Blues and meeting more amazing ladies. This camp will be held in St Augustine instead in a quaint beach side town. The
house is right on the beach overlooking some stunning ocean views. The Lifestyle Camp dates are Feb 25 until March 2.
Learn more HERE.

I am offering a early bird special until December 31. If this is something you would like to do please email me to book your spot or for any questions.

**50% deposit required to reserve your spot. Payment plans available upon request **