I am so blessed to be teaching at this prestigious event alongside some BJJ Masters such as Master Ricardo Calvacante and Professor Buno Bastos. This will be held at Da Firma Training Center In Chesapeake VIrginia on Saturday April 13.
It's going to be an incredible event where we all showcase some of our special techniques.
Bring your note book to make sure you catch all the details! There will be so much talent shared at this event!
To book your spot please reach out to Professor Ricardo Tubbs at: https://dafirmatc.com
I was so blessed to tech a seminar in Florida last month at Renzo Gracie Royal Palms in Florida. I big turnout and lot of ladies which is always nice to see.
I taught Open guard concepts and techniques along with passing concepts.
I want to say thank you to Trevor Cutter for hosting me and fort Brigid for driving me around and for helping to build and promote the seminar and bringer ladies!!
My Trip to Miami last month aws incredible. First stop was with Professor Francis at Rillion Gracie Doral. I taught passing concepts. I had so much fun! Such a great vibe and lots of amazing ladies attended too which is always great to see!!! 💃. Thank you @francis.abramson for hosting me and opening your gym to me. I learned a lot hanging out with you too.
Women's Workshop at Genesis Jiu Jitsu in Azle Texas on Saturday April 6. I'll be showing techniques and a concepts that work better for women and opening it up to Q&A to help troubleshot situations that us women encounter all the time.
Sunday Co-Ed seminar. Open to Guys and Gals. Sunday April 7 also
In my mind I am She-re. But in reality, as much as I'd love to be training in high heel boots, a mini skirt and a crown, I can see that it could be a tad impractical. lol 😂
So this is my Warrior Outfit. lol. I rock it with pride. 💪Back in the beginning wearing a gi was super uncomfortable since I was used to wearing gymnastics training gear (aka not much). But I love the gi now and wear these gi daily around my Lethal Ladies crew, to my seminars and my training. 🤩
If anyone is wondering about the gis I wear they are @Fujisportsus. And they make the BEST GIS for women!
Badass Babes doing some Badass training!
Here training with my Lethal Ladies who are also rocking these awesome Fuji Sports gis!
Teaching at Rilion Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy on Saturday February 24. Excited to share the little details that make all the difference as well as overall concepts.
In December I had the wonderful experience of teaching once again in the Princess Fuji Cruise. I was the only female BJJ guest instructor amongst the dudes. What an honor it was to teach alongside World Champions and Olympic medalists.
Once again I was the only female instructor. It’s such an honor to be the chosen lady. I am blessed to be able to provide the students that feminine touch in BJJ.
The cruise was a fabulous adventure of BJJ, sightseeing, beach, parties and great food and great vibes.
I had the opportunity to teach BJJ to the amazing crew on the Fuji Princess crew.
And to teach the amazing ladies at Lethal Ladies who attended.